
📞EVV Option 2: Telephony System

Option 2

In case the mobile app encounters issues or you don't have access to it, we've got you covered with an alternative method – the telephony system, boasting a 99% success rate.

Click to save the EVV phone number to your contacts

How to Use the Telephony System:
1. Using the patient's phone (not a patient's family member), dial 866-471-0290.
2. You'll hear a prompt: "Welcome to HHAeXchange. Press 1 to call in, press 2 to call out."
- If you are clocking in, press 1.
- If you are clocking out, press 2.
3. The system will ask you to "Enter your assignment ID." This unique number is located on the bottom of your ID badge.
4. The system will then repeat the assignment ID. Press to confirm or re-enter your clock-in. Once confirmed, your clock-in is complete.

For Clocking Out (Additional Step):
When clocking out, there's an extra step to ensure accurate record-keeping:
- When you begin your caregiving assignment, you will receive a copy of the Plan of Care (POC). You can also access it through the HHAExchange mobile app.
- The POC lists various caregiving duties, and each duty is assigned a unique 3-digit Duty ID.

5. The system will then prompt you to "Enter Duty ID."
6. Using the plan of care as your guide, you must enter the 3-digit Duty ID for each duty you performed on the patient that day.
         * Ensure you have completed at least 1 task from the **Personal Care** category
7. Continue this process until you've entered all your duties for that shift.
8. When you've entered all your duties, type "000" to indicate the end of your task entry.

If you skip entering Duty IDs and enter "000" prematurely, the call-out will be considered incomplete on our end.
If you don’t have the plan of care handy, call the coordinator to text you a picture of it

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