

For any visit where Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) isn't received, a timesheet must be submitted. However, this isn't an alternative to EVV. Before submitting a timesheet, you're required to consult with the Attendance Monitoring Officer. Unless a valid reason for the absence of EVV exists (bearing in mind there should rarely, if ever, be a reason for not clocking in), you'll be subject to discipline according to our EVV policy.

Note: Opting for a timesheet instead of EVV is not permissible; EVV compliance is mandatory. Submitting a timesheet instead will lead to disciplinary actions, potentially including termination. Our disciplinary process is outlined here.

When required to submit a timesheet, you can easily do so by clicking this link or by printing our paper timesheet and sending it back to us.

Upon timesheet submission, you should receive an email confirmation including a copy of the timesheet, confirming its successful submission.

Employees can identify which visits necessitate a timesheet through the mobile app. A visit with an ts indication, does not have valid EVV and a timesheet is needed for the visit to be paid.
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Timesheet Rules:
An incomplete timesheet will be rejected. Timesheets must include the following

  1. A precise reason for failure to clock in/out, accompanied by a statement outlining preventive measures for the future. timesheet
  2. You must write a detailed story of what happened at the patients home during the visit. Including which tasks were done. timesheet
  3. Your full signature; a mere scribble will not suffice.
  4. A signature from the patient or someone present at the patient's home during your shift. Falsely signing for a patient, even if permitted by the patient, is illegal and subject to disciplinary action, possibly leading to termination.
  5. timessheet

As employees cannot independently choose to submit a timesheet instead of clocking in/out, authorization to submit a timesheet is only granted by the Attendance Monitoring Officer. Therefore, if you fail to clock in/out, contact your Attendance Monitoring Officer immediately for authorization to submit a timesheet.

Nov 16, 2023

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