
👍 Pay Day

Payday is a much-awaited moment for many, marking the culmination of hard work and dedication. However, as exhilarating as receiving that paycheck can be, navigating the world of payroll isn't always a seamless journey. It's not uncommon for various issues to arise, from incorrect deductions to delayed payments, creating a need for clarity and guidance in handling these challenges. Understanding the nuances of payday and mastering the art of managing payroll discrepancies are essential skills that ensure a smoother financial experience. Let's delve into what payday entails and explore effective strategies to tackle common payroll issues.

Employees will be paid WEEKLY, on Friday, for all the time worked during the past pay period.

  • We offer our employees the option of cashing out their pay daily, read on for more information on Daily Pay!!

Understanding the pay period

At CareSphere our pay period is straightforward. It begins 12:00 AM on Saturday, marking the start of a new workweek. From that moment, any hours worked until 11:59 PM on Friday are recorded and counted for that week's pay.

Now, here's the important part: after the workweek ends on Friday at 11:59 PM, we process and calculate your pay for that week. You'll then receive your paycheck for those hours and work completed on the following Friday.

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So, to sum it up, when you work from Saturday at 12:00 AM to Friday at 11:59 PM, that week's pay gets processed and lands in your pocket on the next Friday. This structure ensures that you're compensated for the hours you put in during that specific week, making it clear and easy to track your earnings.

When you work during a weekend, specifically from Friday through Sunday, here's how your pay will be processed:

Let's say you work hours from Friday 12:00 AM through Sunday 11:59 PM, covering the entire weekend. Payroll processing works in such a way that the hours you worked on Friday will be included in the paycheck for that week, which is typically paid out on the following Friday.

However, the hours you worked on Saturday and Sunday will be calculated and included in the subsequent pay period because they fall within the following week's pay period. Therefore, the hours worked on Saturday and Sunday will be part of the next paycheck, which you will receive on the subsequent Friday after that week's pay period ends.

This split occurs because the pay periods are clearly defined and structured to ensure that each paycheck accurately reflects the hours worked within that specific period. It's important to keep track of your hours to understand which paycheck they will be included in and plan your finances accordingly.

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When it comes to overnight shifts that span across midnight, our payroll system is designed to split the hours at 12:00 AM, even if you haven't clocked in and out during that specific moment.

Let's say you're working an overnight shift from, for example, 10:00 PM on a Wednesday until 6:00 AM on Thursday. Although your shift technically started on Wednesday and ended on Thursday, the payroll system will split the hours between two different days based on the time.

In this case, the hours worked from 10:00 PM to 11:59 PM will be accounted for in Wednesday's pay. The remaining hours from 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM will be attributed to Thursday's pay. This division ensures that the hours are accurately allocated to the respective days within our pay period, aligning with our clear and consistent payroll structure.

It's important to note that this division of overnight hours at 12:00 AM might affect how your hours are assigned to different pay periods and paychecks, so it's crucial to keep track of your shift times and understand how they align with our pay period to anticipate when you'll receive payment for those hours.

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